Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hot and Hot Fish Club and the Porsche Sport Driving School

Ah, Birmingham. I hardly knew yee . . . but my god, I had a good time.  As promised, as soon as I finished my post Wednesday night, I headed out to find Hot and Hot.  As I was walking in, I was pretty sure I saw Chris Hastings (recently nominated for the Best Chef in the South Award by the James Beard Foundation) standing out in the parking lot, so I went over and introduced myself and explained who had sent me.  The next thing I knew I was seated at the chef's counter watching six to eight more junior chefs running around in a perfectly orchestrated frenzy and Chris was standing next to me asking me what I was looking for out of this meal so he could prepare a special tasting menu for me.  I will recap the end result briefly for the foodies:  (1) lobster bisque with asparagus flan (w/ Henriot Brut Champagne); (2) local wild watercress salad with trumpet mushrooms, Louisiana crawfish, Benton's country ham and a lemon vinaigrette (w/ '08 Les Boucauds Sancerre); (3) seared flounder with spring vegetable quinoa, garden frisee and a blood orange vinaigrette (w/ '08 Honig Sauvignon Blanc); (4) braised mississippi rabbit with spring vegetable ragout, homemade gnocchi and rich jus (w/ '07 Adelsheim Pinot Noir); (5) pork trio (w/ the pork coming from Fudge Farms in Madison, AL)-loin with pea salad, leg with sweet potatoes and belly with collard greens and balsamic glaze (w/ '06 Valle Perdido Reserve Malbec); (6) local cheeses (w/ '08 Saint Cosme Cotes du Rhone); (7) panna cotta with fresh berries (w/ Donnafugata Passito Di Pantelleria-forget the year, but a fabulous dessert wine from a volcanic island off the coast of Sicily).  Added bonus-I was still able to get up and walk out of the restaurant when it was all over, shocking, but true.

Over the course of my meal, I kept noticing people checking me out and the guy sitting next to me sneaking a peek whenever the chefs referred to "the VIP."  Finally, he leaned over and said, "I just have to know, are you some big food writer?" "No," I explained, "I just had a night of drunken debauchery with some of Chris's old friends in Charleston last night and here I am."  "Huh," he said, "must have been quite a night." And how. I have to say this was a phenomenal evening and after talking to Chris about everything from how important he believes it is to keep things local, to the hand-thrown pottery (made in Leeds, AL that he helps design with the potter), to how many celebrity chefs have made it all about their egos instead of the food, I cannot say enough about Chris, his vision and his restaurant.  If you are ever within 200 miles of Birmingham, you should not miss the opportunity to eat here.

As for the driving school, it's just something you have to experience, so I won't even try to write about everything I learned, though my tweets will give you a good idea of the paces they put you through and the incredibly thorough training you get here.  A few helpful tips I will pass on: (1) a little braking, even just touching the brake pedal (or jumping off the throttle), will help you execute a turn better because it transfers weight to the front of the car and the front wheels that do the turning, (2) (for the kids who drive stick) don't pull your parking brake when you park if your brakes are really hot, just put it in gear instead so you don't warp the drum, and (3) "when in doubt, brake like hell" (i.e. when everything we learned about regaining control in an understeer or oversteer situation doesn't work and you realize that there is no way you can save yourself, slam on the brakes as fast and as hard as you possibly can).

Arrived in Atlanta last night, off to check out the dogwood festival this afternoon, then joining one of my instructors from the school at an autocross event (my first) outside Atlanta tomorrow.  Will let you know how it turns out.  My goal is to finish without wrecking my car or killing any spectators.

(Replica) Porsche 550 Spyder (aka "the Giant Killer"), 145hp 4 speed manual, produced from 1953-1956.  The next evolution of the model, the 550A, gave Porsche its first overall win in a major sports racing event, the 1956 Targa Florio.

Off-roading in a Cayenne S, then hit the track (which was highly technical with all kinds of tricky corners and curves) in a Cayenne turbo and did the same time we were doing in Carrera Ss.  As one instructor put it, these cars are "ridiculously over-engineered for what most people do with them." 

A pack of Carrera Ss trying to chase down the instructor out front in the Turbo. Good times.

Onto Atlanta . . . thinking how painfully slow 90 felt all the way.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Charleston to Birmingham and My Forum on Planet 9

First things first, I now have my own forum platform on, the largest site out there for Cayman enthusiasts, at Thanks, Ken!

What I do not have, sadly, are any pics to post since I left my camera battery and charger charging away as I charged out the door at the crack of dawn this morning after a banner night out in Charleston.  Hopefully, they will catch up with me here on Friday.  Until then, the pictures I tweet will just have to do.  Speaking of which, I visited the Barber Vintage Motorsports Museum today, which had some phenomenal cars, and I tweeted pics of some of the best specimens.  I start my two day performance driving course at the Porsche Sport Driving School tomorrow.  Be afraid, be very afraid, especially you obnoxious kids with the Carreras . . .

As for last night, I ended up at a little sushi place on King, sitting next to this incredibly nice guy who has a few restaurants/bars in Charleston and a friend who engineers Porsche brakes.  He was totally enthused about my trip and after giving me all kinds of great suggestions for restaurants I have to experience along the way, he ended up taking me to his fantastic bar, Closed for Business, so I could meet some of his friends, one of whom is the Chef de Cuisine at Fig, where I had an incredible dinner my first night in Charleston.  Every chef and other foodie there last night told me whatever I do, I absolutely must go to Hot and Hot Fish Club (where Chris Hastings is now) while I am in Birmingham. So, that is the plan for tonight.

On a side note, while I was listening to the CB driving here today, this trucker was telling a joke that starts, "what's the difference between a condom and a Kodak camera?" About 15 seconds later I had rocketed out of range, so I never heard the punchline. If anyone knows the punchline, please share. Only knowing half the joke is a slow kind of torture, especially a joke with such promise ;-)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Trouncing a Carrera en route from Beaufort to Charleston

Woke up in Beaufort in a bit of pain thinking we probably should have skipped the $14 bottle of “Champagne” we had at the last bar we hit.  Now, in our defense, purchasing a bottle of “Champagne” that cost more than $14 was not an option at this charming establishment.  After a 20 minute hunt for a place that sold coffee we could walk out the door with, we made a quick trip to the maritime museum in Beaufort where we learned that after Blackbeard barricaded the Charleston, SC harbor, he ran his ships aground just off Beaufort, marooned most of his men, then slipped away to Ocracoke where he was eventually hunted down and killed.  After the museum, we paid a guy $30 to take us to Shackleford Island in his Boston Whaler where we spent a couple hours trying to find the wild horses (Spanish mustangs) that are the descendants of horses that swam ashore 400 years ago after a shipwreck off the island.  Eventually we did and only suffered a few puncture wounds along the way.

Then it was off to Charleston, SC and not a minute too soon.  When two lanes merged into one as I was getting my plug baby set up and the result was a slow tractor trailer in front of us I actually said to E, “damn it, if I hadn’t been fiddlin’ ‘n’ diddlin’ we wouldn’t be stuck behind this guy right now.”  We immediately looked at each other in horror and I said what we were both thinking, “we need to get out of North Carolina, I’m starting to fit in,” to which E replied “um, yeah.”  Somewhere after we crossed into SC and passed our first 5 fireworks stores, a fairly obnoxious character in a burgundy carrera cabrio (I think an ’06) noticed us passing him, jumped off his call, pulled up to us at the next light and started revving his engine and staring at us to see if we were up for the challenge.  I am delighted to report that I trounced the guy and when I hit 70 and shifted into neutral to coast for a bit, he passed me laughing and shaking his head in shame. Das right. Respect the Cayman S fool. One and a half wins and counting . . . 

Artifacts from Blackbeard's Ship, Queen Anne's Revenge, at the maritime museum.
Most beautiful model boat I have ever seen. This is a model of a Menhaden boat, which used to be built in NC and used off the NC coast to fish for Menhaden.

Wild horses on Shackleford Island.

Made it to SC, and not a minute too soon. We were fresh out of fireworks . . .